After the past few days, this is the best weather day we have had in a bit! Perfect time for Mother’s Day to celebrate your mom, grandma, great-grandma (I can think of at least one) and share the day with her if you are so blessed. I am getting ready to head out to see mine, so this will not be a long post. Wishing all the mothers reading this post a Happy Mother’s Day!

By all means, I am privileged to have known so many amazing mothers. My mom emigrated from the Philippines. Since she arrived here, she has been motherly to many of her patients. Given that I am an only child, she had plenty of time to keep her eye on me!

Additionally, I see other examples of caring, involved mothers from my cousins and other family members. In like fashion, my cousins have similar stories of their mothers guiding them as we grow up. Even though I did not grow up with them every day, I still have the same reverence and respect for what they do. Undoubtedly raising our generation could not have been easy!

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