Just a quick post today! There is one public event that is expiring early in February. At this time the photos from the 2013 DC Dance Challenge will expire on Monday February 10, 2014. I will send out an email blast to the mailing list to let everyone know on there when they are about to be removed, but I wanted to give lots of heads up for this one. I hope all of you have a great weekend!
All the photos are organized by the man’s number. If you have any trouble finding your photos, please send me an email [ rassi @ timelinedc.com ] or call 703-864-8208.
Overall, we want to thank Jennifer and Fabio Bonini for inviting us to their event. On this occasion, the full dance floor made the job of finding dancers throughout the event very easy! We are also selecting photos for the top student awards. Stay tuned for updates!
It has seemed like a long time since I have written a post! There is a nice backlog of things that I want to post about, but there are lots of things going on outside of photography that I am taking care of before I can get to them. Back to the photos – these were from an open shoot. The National Cathedral moved all of the chairs out of the nave which allowed you to view the expanse of the main worship space. Having an unobstructed view of the cathedral was a unique experience, and one that is difficult to capture in photos.
With the repairs being done to the structure from the earthquake of August 2011, some of the stained glass windows were hidden from view. But there was still so much to photograph in the space. It took me 15 minutes just to get my bearings. It was nice to see so many photographers take the opportunity to come early on these two mornings to make some uncommon photos of this landmark.
I tried to stay out of the way as much as I could, but it was difficult. The other photographers were also very kind to gauge where each person was lining up a photo so as not to be in each other’s frame. Unfortunately, I did not have enough time to setup my big camera gear. With the DC traffic, I was already late and had lost some time to shoot.
So all of these photos were taken with the Fuji X100s. In every situation I bring this small camera, I am impressed by the capabilities. The noise performance, and the low light capture ability with the f/2.0 lens is impressive. If you need to make bracketed exposures for HDR, there is a drive mode that will create 3 very quick frames with 3 different exposures with one click of the shutter button. It came in handy in conjunction with the self-timer to get sharp photos in such a dark space!
Happy Monday! Today is the last day to view and order photos from the 2013 DC Area Arthur Murray Fall Freestyles. The photos will be removed from the website tonight, and will be put in the electronic archive.
Please note!! I have changed my main website, which has made changes to the proofing website. No longer do you put “www.” in front of the address for the proofing site. If you are looking for your photos from recent events, putting the “www.” in front of the proofing address will result in an error. If you have bookmarked the site, or have it written down somewhere, please update all the links to not have this prefix. The correct address will be:
While we are talking about websites, please take a look at my brand new main website! It is at www.timelinedc.com with an updated design, and lots of updated images. You may find your own photo up there too! Please visit, and send me some feedback – especially if something does not work correctly. It has been a big project to change this, and I am very pleased with how it has turned out. I am looking forward to making lots of new images this year, and I can’t wait to get started!