At this year’s New Jersey State Open, the audience was treated to many solo showcases throughout the weekend. No other couples were on the floor for these dancers, and they had their music selection playing for their routines. When these came around, I could easily concentrate on the featured dancers, and ensure that I capture their dips, lifts, and smiles!
Showcase Routines
This was a nice diversion from the competition heats. There was additional artistic creativity on display with their additional costume accessories. Also, they crated choreography that matched the music or lyrics perfectly. It was clear that the dancers have been working on these for a long time!
For me, I also had a positive change of pace. From the background in the photos, I have changed my shooting position. I am now near the front of the ballroom where the emcee, and DJ were sitting with the New Jersey State Open sign behind me. Before the event began, I had a second set of lights setup in case I wanted to use more from shooting at the back, or in case I had to shoot from this side of the ballroom. It was setup nicely so that the photos still had the same quality from this side without any break in the flow of the event.
This bit of preparation I had to learn from previous competitions where I had not planned for this, and the photos suffered. I either had the right position but a bad lighting setup, or I stayed where I had been the entire event and capture only the backs of the dancers during their show dances. I bring this lesson with me every time I setup at a new venue… just in case.
TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com