The photos from last weekend’s That’s Dancing Summer Showcase are going up to the website now. It will take a while before they are ready to view, but I wanted to let you know that they are almost there! If you want to know as soon as they are ready, you can sign up for email updates on the proofing website:

If you make an account at the website, your email will automatically be added to the list. If you are on Facebook, you can “Like” the TimeLine Media Facebook page to have updates posted to your timeline. Let me know if these methods of getting updates is helpful for you. At this time, I like to blast it out to as many channels as possible. However, I want to make sure I am not bothering you, or spamming your email inbox.
Perhaps you don’t need any reminders at all! That’s Dancing is such a friendly studio. While we have covered many of their events, the students and staff are consistently welcoming. Moreover, they are supportive of our photography which we appreicate!

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com