
Archive of ‘Family’ category


©TimeLine Media - cake with icing

Happy rxbywhgrth birthday to my wife today! She has always been a supporter of my endeavors, and I have been much more successful because of her. We have make a good team, and looking back, we have accomplished much when we make a goal and work for it. Putting it in writing makes it seem more cold and thought out than how it actually happened. But our choices have gotten us to where we are today, and I am so lucky that she chose me to walk through life with her. The photos in the post are a few of her favorite things.

Professional Football

©TimeLine Media - Redskins players at practice
©TimeLine Media – Redskins players at practice

For my photography, she has helped me work out so much of my business practices. We teamed up to start photographing ballroom dance events, and we had to work out so much of back end of how to do this better than what we had experienced as guests. We tried things that worked, and attempted things that did not work. With every event I have done, she has been there to keep everything organized, and make sure I stayed refreshed over long weekends.


©TimeLine Media - cake with icing
©TimeLine Media – cake with icing

When we have done especially well, she has been quick to note how we have progressed. She remembers things in great detail to we can repeat, or make the good things even better the next time. It is constantly improving, and it has really kept me going. If I was doing this on my own, I probably would have burned out by now. But she has been a great sound board for my ideas, and she implements her ideas for helping customers get their images. Working with her in this way has made me appreciate her gifts much more than if we were both working jobs that were independent of each other. It is not the an easy task to photograph events the way that we do, but neither is anything worth doing.

Happy Birthday, baby! Can you download this card for me?

©TimeLine Media - Casey on film
©TimeLine Media – Casey on film

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com

Skyline Drive

©TimeLine Media - Appalachian Trail walk

Thankfully the recent partial shutdown of the federal government is over. There were so many affected by this both inside and outside Washington. When focusing on what services were affected most outside of the capital city, many media outlets pointed to National Parks. The rangers and other staff that supports the functions in these areas were forced to keep the gates closed. With everything reopened, there were lines of cars this weekend waiting to enter the parks again! We took advantage of the beautiful weather to see if any of the fall colors had started to come to the trees in the Appalachian Mountains of western Virginia.

Mountain Views

©TimeLine Media - Skyline Drive
©TimeLine Media – Skyline Drive

Starting from the gate in Front Royal, VA, we drove through the very northern part of Skyline Drive. The rangers at the station had a long line of cars to go through, but they were very happy to see all the visitors. Although we did not go more than 10 miles from this gate, there is plenty for you to see along the way. There are numerous overlooks into the valleys below with the meandering Shenandoah River carvings its way through the mountains. It’s highly reflective waters are easy to spot from high.

©TimeLine Media - Skyline Drive
©TimeLine Media – Skyline Drive

At one of the overlooks, there were para gliders that seem to hang over the road! They took a glide over the people stopping at overlooks, and waved to everyone as they slowly moved overhead. More than a few kids were asking mom and dad for a chance to join them.

©TimeLine Media - Skyline Drive
©TimeLine Media – Skyline Drive

Although the fall colors were not at their peak, there were already many golden leaves on the trees. Some of the overhang in areas were bathing the forest floor in beautiful light. As the sun was setting, their colors were accentuated, and I wished that we could have stayed until sunset. Peak this season should be beautiful for anyone making the trek through the mountains this year.

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com

Sunday – Family Day

©TimeLine Media - Virginia country sunset

Hope you enjoyed your Sunday! I have been busy with a lot of photo shoots the passed few days, so I will be in the studio working on them this week. Today was a little rest day before the work week starts tomorrow. Stay tuned to the blog for updates on the progress. There are some really nice images coming soon!

©TimeLine Media - Sunday Virginia country sunset
Virginia country sunset ©TimeLine Media

At this time, we went out to visit family in the Virginia farming country. While it is a departure from our suburban area, it is not a long trip. Whereas our neighborhood is stacked with homes, this area has 10-acre home sites keeping everyone a long distance from each other. The quiet on account of the distance is calming.

©TimeLine Media - dachshund car ride
dachshund car ride ©TimeLine Media

Also, there are some furry little family members that greet us as soon as we arrive. Since we do not have pets at home, it is a comforting sight and sound as soon as the car stops on this Sunday. Surprisingly, this is also a recharge from photography. The change of scenery allows me to stretch a different part of my photography brain. Thus, I am set to get back to work at the start of the week!

©TimeLine Media - dachshund snoozing on a lazy Sunday
dachshund snoozing ©TimeLine Media

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com

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