The uploading of the photos is continuing! There are 9780 photos in total, so it does take a while to get on the web, but they will be up there soon! Also, there are many folders going up since we sorted them by the gentleman’s number. Thanks for checking out the blog! All the photos will be posted to the proofing website here-

As can be seen, you can order your images in black and white. Unlike the color images, these monochrome tones can highlight the lines of the dancers. Especially when you have a colorful dress, this can distract from the work you put into your dancing.
From a photographer perspective, black and white is a departure from reality. For the most part, people see in color. With this in mind, changing a photo monochrome starts you on the path to artistic freedom. Taking the image above for example, I darkened the areas surrounding the dancers to make the pop out even more. When the photo was desaturated, I thought that the other dancers, the audience, and the room did not add much to the composition. So I darkened those attempting to make it clearer. How did it work?
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