Posts Tagged ‘American Star Ball’

American Star Ball – Saturday

©TimeLine Media - 2013 American Star Ball

Friday was an awesome day of photos! I think the dancers and other attendees will really enjoy the images we made for them. We have another day of dancing ahead of us, so stay tuned for more updates from the American Star Ball. All of the photos will be posted by next weekend, organized by dancer number on our website:

Enjoy some favorite images so far-

©TimeLine Media - 2013 American Star Ball
Awards from the 2013 AMSB ©TimeLine Media
©TimeLine Media - 2013 American Star Ball
Awards from the 2013 AMSB ©TimeLine Media

©TimeLine Media - 2013 American Star Ball
Judges during a Showcase heat at the 2013 American Star Ball ©TimeLine Media

During the Showcase routines, the judges moved to one side of the ballroom in chairs. I did not change my position, just shifted down the line a bit to give them the center of the floor. From my low position for photographing dancers, I was still below the judges. So I took the opportunity to get a nice line up photo of faces. This is specifically a photo I have been trying to get for a while. Although I don’t think this is the definitive one, I did learn some lessons on how to set up something similar in the future. Of course, I did not spend too much time on them and went back to the dancers as quickly as I could!

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Ready! American Star Ball

We are all setup and ready to begin the 2013 American Star Ball. We have the booth, the lights, and all the computers ready to cover some dancing this weekend. Should be fun! Stay tuned for updates. The photos will be posted to the proofing site about a week after the event:

ready to work ©TimeLine Media - American Star Ball
©TimeLine Media – American Star Ball

As can be seen in these preview photos from my phone, there is a departure from the decor! Surely this will change the look of the photos. Please come back to see some of the results soon.

ready to work ©TimeLine Media - American Star Ball
©TimeLine Media – American Star Ball

UPDATE! Now the photos from this event are now ready to view at the proofing site. I have received feedback from dancers that they happen upon different posts from an event. So, I want to ensure that everyone that sees a post knows when the photos are ready to view. If you have not already, you can see updates at our Facebook page or sign up for the email list to be notified directly when the photos are ready. With this in mind, I know that I have asked before, but let me know how you received updates from me. Is the blog still good or is there another method that you find works best? Thank you!

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