Hilton McLean, Tysons
Spring Freestyles photos are almost done – time really flies during a busy ballroom season! The deadline on both the sale expiring on the Showcase photos, and Baltimore DanceSport photos expiring from the website really came quickly. So in order to give a little more heads up, I will try to post here earlier when photo deadlines are coming up.
In that case, I want to post that the photos from the Arthur Murray Spring Freestyles will be expiring from the website in 2 weeks on July 29, 2013. After that date, it will be $30 to get the photos out of the archive server, and re-uploaded to the image server. There were 6500+ images from this 2-day event. We have sent prints and digital files from these all over the region, and a few across the country!
Thanks to everyone that visited the website for these – here is a direct link to the photos from this event. In case you forgot some of the events from that day, there were lots of great dancing on the large dance floor split into 2 separate areas. Both sides were full for most of the day, and teams from Maryland and Virginia competed for the Potomac Cup! The football-themed team from Maryland bested the Japanese-themed team from Virginia to regain the championship. Everyone that was there for the Potomac Cup took a little time to do a Harlem Shake!
We enjoyed both the photography and videography from this event, and we know there will be more in store for the next competition. We plan to be there to cover that as well, so stay tuned for more photos from then. Thank you!
TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com