Today is April 1 or April Fool’s Day which has officially become the most annoying day to be on the internet. I won’t try any fancy computer tricks to make your browser act crazy or have any whacky gimmicks on my website today. With this in mind, I will post more of my favorite ballroom dance photos, then go back to being offline for the rest of the day. I am sure everything will return to normal tomorrow.
With this in mind, here are more of my favorites from this year’s Baltimore Dancesport Challenge that was held at the BWI Westin in Baltimore, MD. All the photos from this event are available to view at the proofing website here:
At this point, I am more than annoyed at falling for some of these pranks. Especially in the photography community, it can be easy to be taken in by some creative Photoshop work. April 1 really turned me negative early in the morning. Perhaps my brain was not quite awake to pick up on the subtle cues of a prank. Back to implementing creativity for good – Enjoy!
TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com