Posts Tagged ‘ballroom dance’

Summer Showcase photo expiring!

©TimeLine Media - Arthur Murray Summer Showcase

Tysons, Virginia

Busy week at the studio! Firstly, I want to let you know that there are expiring photos on the proofing website Monday. On this occasion, the 2013 DC Area Arthur Murray Summer Showcase photos will be taken offline and put in the archives. Go directly to the event on the website here to view the images from that event:

Summer Showcase photos 

©TimeLine Media - Summer Showcase photos expiring
©TimeLine Media – Summer Showcase photos expiring

Expiring Photos

We are finishing the sorting and uploading of the photos from last weekend’s competitions, and I will have an update on those very soon. Please check your inbox if you are on the mailing list or on our Facebook page in order to see the latest updates. The images are looking really good, and I am excited to share them with you as soon as I can! There are over 8500 photos separated into over 100 folders. At this time, we are categorizing the photos by the man’s number that was used on the score sheets. If you need any help finding your photos, please email me [ rassi @ ] and I will gladly help if you need.

©TimeLine Media - Arthur Murray Summer Showcase
©TimeLine Media – Arthur Murray Summer Showcase
©TimeLine Media - Arthur Murray Summer Showcase
Alexandria, VA – Arthur Murray Summer Showcase ©TimeLine Media

Thank you especially to those of you that purchased photos from these events! Likewise, I have enjoyed hearing from you when you gifts have been delivered. As I have noted, we have more events on the schedule so we will see you out there soon!

©TimeLine Media - Arthur Murray Summer Showcase
©TimeLine Media – Arthur Murray Summer Showcase

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Editing Update – New Jersey State Open

©TimeLine Media - NJ State Open Maxx/Vega show

The editing from last weekend’s 2013 New Jersey State Open is continuing. I am almost halfway through the edits, so it will likely be late Saturday before the photos will be ready to view. The workstation, Lightroom, and especially my fingers are working as fast as we can to finish these! Some of the photos that I have gone through include all the award lineups. If you would like to see these, they have been posted to the Facebook page for the competition which you can see here.

©TimeLine Media - NJ State Open editing continues
©TimeLine Media – NJ State Open editing continues

Ballroom Dance Photos

There are lots of you that have come to the proofing website to get updates on the photos – thank you! This is the first place where I will post that the photos are ready to view. If you would like to get on the email list, visit the proofing website at:

When you click on the 2013 New Jersey State Open tab, you will be prompted to enter your email address. I will send a note as soon as they are released, so you will be the first to know.

Here are some images from the other entertaining shows from Saturday night. There was a magician/comedian and a Michael Jackson impersonator that performed for the audience in between the professional competitions. They were a great break from the dancing, which gave the officials and judges a little break as they were tabulating scores from the competition.

©TimeLine Media - NJ State Open comedy/magic show
©TimeLine Media – NJ State Open comedy/magic show
©TimeLine Media - NJ State Open Maxx/Vega show
©TimeLine Media – NJ State Open Maxx/Vega show

Maxx Vega had an audience that was there to appreciate good dancing. It was a great venue for him to show off his skills. It was nice to hear MJ’s music so loud in the ballroom with a great interpretation of the King of Pop!

©TimeLine Media - NJ State Open Maxx/Vega show
©TimeLine Media – NJ State Open Maxx/Vega show

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Awards – New Jersey State Open

©TimeLine Media - New Jersey State Open

For the most part, I stay on one side of the room to photograph ballroom dancers. There is a “good side” for the room that has awards, banners, or other displays that frame the dancers well at a particular competition. For the New Jersey State Open, they have a huge pink neon sign hanging from behind the stage where the emcee, DJ, scrutineers, and other organizers manage the flow of the competition.

©TimeLine Media - New Jersey State Open - awards
©TimeLine Media – New Jersey State Open – awards

They have a great elevated view of all the dancers and judges as they work throughout the weekend. There is a lot of action up there too – gathering score sheets, computing the lineups of all the couples, and making sure everyone is announced as they placed. It is a lot of work! Sometimes they get a little goofy as the days go on.

©TimeLine Media - New Jersey State Open
©TimeLine Media – New Jersey State Open organizers Tom and Roxanne
©TimeLine Media - New Jersey State Open
New Jersey State Open ©TimeLine Media
©TimeLine Media - New Jersey State Open
©TimeLine Media – New Jersey State Open

I really admire how well they pulled off the competition. There were no long delays in getting scores entered, and awards given out. They are usually photographer breaks, so I don’t mind, but they got everyone back to dancing quickly! We ran very early all weekend – it shows their experience in handling so many entries. Thank you!

©TimeLine Media - New Jersey State Open - awards lineup
©TimeLine Media – New Jersey State Open – awards lineup
©TimeLine Media - New Jersey State Open - awards lineup
©TimeLine Media – New Jersey State Open – awards lineup

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