Tysons Tower Club
The Tysons Chamber held their 2017 Board Installation event last month at the Tower Club. Similarly to their mixer, board members and supporters went to the Tower Club. Peg McDermott, the Chair of the Tysons Chamber will lead the group in 2017.

Although there is a lot happening in state and federal politics, some VIPs found time to attend. Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring spoke at the event. He gave a perspective of the statewide economy. Congressman Gerry Connolly sent a representative. Alex read the proclamation about the Tysons Chamber entered into the Capitol Hill record. After Peg spoke to energize the members, a short swearing-in ceremony was performed.

Afterwards, there was plenty of time for networking. While it may be true that this is a growing Chamber, the surrounding area is well developed. In networking after the event, the energy was tangible. On one hand the Chamber is poised to grow. On the other hand, growing the reach of the Chamber is a priority.

Business Growth Workshop

Of course the large events at the Tower Club were not the only ones on the calendar. Business Growth Workshops are a monthly occurrence. So I attended one from Impact Business Solutions. So far as I can see, joining the Tysons Chamber has been a good decision!

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com