New Jersey State Open
Please note about events expiring today! The 2012 New Jersey State Open and the 2012 Paragon Open photos will be expiring from the proofing website. At this time the photos will be removed from viewing today. Afterwards they will placed into the archive. You will be able to still access the photos, but it is a $30 charge to retrieve the files, and re-upload them to the website. There were some great photos from this event, so if you want to have any prints or digital downloads, please visit the website today!
Here are some photos from the 2012 New Jersey State Open held on this occasion at the Golden Nugget in Atlantic City, NJ. Their website is currently being updated, but this year’s event is scheduled to be October 24-27, 2013. We plan to be their official photographer again this year, and hope to see all of you there!
Paragon Open
Here are some of my favorites from the Paragon Open held in Whippany, NJ. For this time, I had an associate photographer, Mario, cover this event for us, and he did a great job! Of course I wish I could shoot every event but it is nice to be friends with other professionals that can cover for me. I’m especially glad that many of you purchased copies of your favorites to keep. We hope to be invited back again this year. Enjoy!
TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com