DC Area Arthur Murray Studios

The photos are expiring from the 2016 Fall Showcase of the DC Area Arthur Murray studios. The TimeLine Media proofing server needs to make some room for new events. With this in mind, this is the last chance to view the photos. Afterwards, they will be moved to an archive server. Here is the link until they are removed:
2016 Arthur Murray Fall Showcase at TimeLine Media
Professional Shows

We had another outstanding set of performances by the staff of all the studios! Similarly there was a mix of music and styles over these performances. Not only is this a display of skill for the dancers, but it great marketing for them! Obviously, it is great marketing for me as well. Moreover I love editing these photos. Usually we think of them as not having nerves throughout the day. If they are nervous for these shows, they are great at hiding it! Sometime more to work on!

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com