Posts Tagged ‘cookies’

Merry Christmas!

Setting for Christmas dinner - ©TimeLine Media

The shopping, shipping, wrapping, and cooking is almost done! Merry Christmas to all of the supporters of our photography – blog readers, Facebook fans, Twitter followers, and everyone else that we have photographed this year. We are celebrating the season by giving gifts, spending time with family, making more photos, and enjoying the very COLD weather! We hope all of you are doing much the same.

Nikon Christmas gift - ©TimeLine Media
Nikon Christmas gift – ©TimeLine Media

This is a present from my mom to herself! Yes, I did help her pick it out. It has a nice snap to it’s shutter (like the all have) and lots of good upgrades over her old D40. My mom just wanted it because IT’S RED!! Plus, she wants to shoot video along with her photos. I guess I will be giving her the gift of photo lessons for the foreseeable future. I am sure that many of those will be future blog posts. The gears are already spinning as another year of blogging starts soon.

Setting for Christmas dinner - ©TimeLine Media
Setting for Christmas dinner – ©TimeLine Media
Just baked ginger snaps - ©TimeLine Media
Just baked ginger snaps – ©TimeLine Media

I have already eaten too much for this holiday, but I have been enjoying it! All the houses are full of the smells of the season. Too bad that cameras cannot capture that along with the pictures. I will do my best to capture some memories, but take a lot of time away from the camera to get more to eat! Merry Christmas to you and all of your loved ones!

Good timing! - ©TimeLine Media
Good timing by the photographer! – ©TimeLine Media
Santa Claus - ©TimeLine Media
Santa Claus – ©TimeLine Media

TimeLine Media –

Making cookies!

Bryony has been making cookies for as long as she could reach the kitchen counter:

Bryony making cookies at an early age
Bryony making sugar cookies in her childhood home

And her skills have improved with each batch since! The sweet treats are now a favorite for all her coworkers. They are requested for birthdays, potlucks, farewell parties… Thanksgiving………. Arbor Day – whenever cookies are appropriate. She has perfected her technique, as we always get to “QC” the product before it is brought out to public. Of course I’m jealous of her coworkers already – it should be a delicious day at work!

Duck shaped sugar cookie

Ducks are the cutter of choice today. It’s a flock of cookie-ducks! Bryony enjoys recognizing the efforts of her co-workers with a little treat once in a while. They are absolutely good for her reputation as she becomes known for these quickly. Likewise it becomes a good way for her to network with other groups at her workplace.

bowl with icing for sugar cookies
bowl full of icing to top a sugar cookie batch
stacked un-iced cookies

Furious action in putting these little things together! On this occasion, the effort it worth it. Perhaps this is something I can do with my photography business to stand out. Of course I won’t ask her to make treats for potential clients, but it would be good for me to be known for something distinctive that I do well!

Un-iced cookies prior to finishing
Sugar cookies - a favorite from Bryony's home bake shop
