Wow – we have finished 9000 photos from last week’s 2015 Maryland Dancesport Championships! It was quite a feat, but afterwards we sorted all the photos into over 100 folders. I know I may have made some mistakes so please let me know if there are any photos that are misfiled. While they are available, the link to the photos is below:
2015 Maryland Dancesport Championships photos at TimeLine Media

Above all, thank you to Ilya and Amanda Reyzin for having us cover their event again this year. This is one of our newer events that we are photographing, and they have really hit the ground running. You would not have known that they have not been organizing this competition for years. There was a lot of technology implemented throughout the weekend, but the dancers went on and off the floor smoothly. Most importantly, everyone had a good time! We saw a lot of networking between dancers from many different studios. The organizers, and staff from the competition w ere engaging with the crowd, and we made sure to get photos of them all!

We really enjoyed looking over these photos. The setup of the ballroom, and the artistry of the dancers made our job easier. It was busy all weekend long, and that was the reason for so many awesome images. We hope you enjoy them, and please share the link with any dance friends that would like to see your photos. Thank you!
TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com