Virginia Beach, Virginia
The photos from last weekend’s 2018 Fantasy Ball Dancesport Competition have been released! On this occasion, we were at the same venue as last year. In the same way, we sorted the photos by gentlemen’s number and posted the collection here:
2018 Fantasy Ball Dancesport Competition photos at TimeLine Media

Pro-Am Dance Competition
Compared to last year, the attendance was higher this year! We were in the same ballroom, however, there was a lot less room to move around. While this may be true, it is much better to have a packed ballroom for dancing. Not only does the crowd get into action, but the participants have much louder support all day.

While at the competition, we had some visitors to the booth. On the whole they were happy with the photos that we produced. Being that this is a part of Virginia that we do not usually visit, we enjoy expanding our reach!

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com