Dulles, VA
The photos are expiring from the 2019 FADS Spring Fling. Since we have some new events coming in the fall, these will be moved to the archive. While they are still available, they can be accessed here:
2019 Fred Astaire Spring Fling Team Match photos at TimeLine Media

Thank you to everyone that purchased photos or videos! Indeed the support for our photography is paramount for us to continue doing this. If you have prepaid for your images please contact your studio. Following delivery, they will have all of the photos and videos that we have of your dancing.

To finish the Spring Fling, the professionals at the studios performed a series of showcases for the crowd. Overall, this was an awesome display of their talents! In the event that you were not familiar dance, or you were looking to expand your style, this was for you. Not only were there dances that incorporated syllabus figures, but the professionals could freestyle depending on the music.
Finally I would like to thank Brianna one more time for the initiation! We really enjoyed working with you and the participating studios. We look forward to your next event!

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com