Posts Tagged ‘family’

Sunday – Rest Day

Not much rest this last weekend. It was a beautiful funeral and birthday party for Liza yesterday. The gathering of family and friends at the church and my mother’s house to celebrate her life was reflection on Liza and her love of life. She would have loved the party! So much food! So many people from her work and both sides of her family visiting and eating. It was her kind of scene. Only a few substitutions made the celebration different. Instead of dancing, there was a quite time for prayer and remembrance. We hope Liza approved of the arrangements.

Friends and Family

Not dog tired yet, but we will rest and recharge. Towards the end of the day, I was getting too lazy to change to big glass even when there was a bald eagle flying right over head in a perfectly clear sky! But I still tried before regretting it.

©TimeLine Media - bald eagle over Occoquan River
©TimeLine Media – bald eagle over Occoquan River

That will be an upcoming post for sure – missed photos.

I have more shoot planned in the next couple of weeks. There will be some portraits, action portraits, some shows, and we will get back to dancing at the Arthur Murray Fall Freestyles next month. On the Facebook pages and announcements, the studios are gearing up for the event, and planning the themes for the Potomac Cup team match! I’m sure there will also be some unexpected surprises along the way. This was definitely one from yesterday:

Minion costume
Minion costume

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Today many are saying goodbye to a great friend. Liza lived life to the fullest. This is a cliche for most, but it is quite appropriate in this case. If she had a plan for her life, it was to work as hard in order to make time for the what she really wanted to do. She loved to cook, and she shared this passion with all of her friends when she had the chance. She opened her house for them to to gather and eat, or she would bring food with her to parties all around town. I remember her instructing my mom on what tools and utensils she would need to buy to properly serve guests certain dishes.

Liza cooking
Liza cooking

Liza loved to sing! If there was a karaoke machine turned on, she could sing her heart out whether or not there was an audience of 5 or 50. Her love of music brought her to many concerts, and her enthusiasm for the artists would guarantee that she would not be attending alone. Liza would have tickets for her friends to join her in the festivities.

Her enthusiasm and strength carried on to her fight against ovarian cancer. Liza announced when she was out to “get her cocktails” and never posted a discouraging post on Facebook. My condolences go out to her husband, daughter, her brothers, sister, and her mom. We will get together today to say goodbye, and hope that when it is our time, we will be as strong, and surrounded by friends and family.

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©TimeLine Media - self portrait

This photography term has become popular with the explosion of social media in the last few years. Back when film was the more popular medium for photos, I only saw a handful of instances where people made self-portraits with their cameras. Most of these would not be in focus. Or the subjects would not be in the frame, which would mean a wasted frame from your roll of film. Each frame was thought out more back then. With this in mind it would not be wise to use these for “throw-away” images that you attempt without looking through the viewfinder at the back of the camera.

Turning the Camera Around

I clearly remember the very first time I ever tried a “selfie”. It was at a big transition time in my life – just after college, and during the time when family was in town to pay final respects to my father. He had recently passed away, and we were surrounded by so many family and friends. It was a time where many photos were taken, and many trips were made to the drug store to get enlargements and copies. While taking photos with family outside, I turned an Advantix film camera (a graduation gift from my girlfriend’s mom) to me and my cousin, Vic. It is hard to take a bad photo of Vic – a talented singer that is used to working in front of an audience. For my first time, it actually worked!

©TimeLine Media - first "selfie"
©TimeLine Media – first “selfie”

I’m glad it turned out – so I kept trying.

©TimeLine Media - self portrait
©TimeLine Media – self portrait

With digital, I still take selfies. I do not own a mannequin head that photographers use test lighting, so I just put myself in the scene. I laugh like a madman at myself sometimes especially considering no one else is around. Thankfully it has helped to make shoots go smoother once the subjects arrive, and has helped me to be a better photographer by experimenting with a model that won’t stop posing until the shot is perfect.

©TimeLine Media - self portrait
©TimeLine Media – self portrait

Large Camera Selfies

©TimeLine Media - self portrait
©TimeLine Media – self portrait
©TimeLine Media - self portrait
©TimeLine Media – self portrait
©TimeLine Media - self portrait
Author self-portrait ©TimeLine Media

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