Posts Tagged ‘food’


©TimeLine Media - cake with icing

Happy rxbywhgrth birthday to my wife today! She has always been a supporter of my endeavors, and I have been much more successful because of her. We have make a good team, and looking back, we have accomplished much when we make a goal and work for it. Putting it in writing makes it seem more cold and thought out than how it actually happened. But our choices have gotten us to where we are today, and I am so lucky that she chose me to walk through life with her. The photos in the post are a few of her favorite things.

Professional Football

©TimeLine Media - Redskins players at practice
©TimeLine Media – Redskins players at practice

For my photography, she has helped me work out so much of my business practices. We teamed up to start photographing ballroom dance events, and we had to work out so much of back end of how to do this better than what we had experienced as guests. We tried things that worked, and attempted things that did not work. With every event I have done, she has been there to keep everything organized, and make sure I stayed refreshed over long weekends.


©TimeLine Media - cake with icing
©TimeLine Media – cake with icing

When we have done especially well, she has been quick to note how we have progressed. She remembers things in great detail to we can repeat, or make the good things even better the next time. It is constantly improving, and it has really kept me going. If I was doing this on my own, I probably would have burned out by now. But she has been a great sound board for my ideas, and she implements her ideas for helping customers get their images. Working with her in this way has made me appreciate her gifts much more than if we were both working jobs that were independent of each other. It is not the an easy task to photograph events the way that we do, but neither is anything worth doing.

Happy Birthday, baby! Can you download this card for me?

©TimeLine Media - Casey on film
©TimeLine Media – Casey on film

TimeLine Media –


Today many are saying goodbye to a great friend. Liza lived life to the fullest. This is a cliche for most, but it is quite appropriate in this case. If she had a plan for her life, it was to work as hard in order to make time for the what she really wanted to do. She loved to cook, and she shared this passion with all of her friends when she had the chance. She opened her house for them to to gather and eat, or she would bring food with her to parties all around town. I remember her instructing my mom on what tools and utensils she would need to buy to properly serve guests certain dishes.

Liza cooking
Liza cooking

Liza loved to sing! If there was a karaoke machine turned on, she could sing her heart out whether or not there was an audience of 5 or 50. Her love of music brought her to many concerts, and her enthusiasm for the artists would guarantee that she would not be attending alone. Liza would have tickets for her friends to join her in the festivities.

Her enthusiasm and strength carried on to her fight against ovarian cancer. Liza announced when she was out to “get her cocktails” and never posted a discouraging post on Facebook. My condolences go out to her husband, daughter, her brothers, sister, and her mom. We will get together today to say goodbye, and hope that when it is our time, we will be as strong, and surrounded by friends and family.

TimeLine Media –

Thanksgiving 2008!

This was a very eventful Thanksgiving. We got started early on Wednesday making a lot of desserts for the two destinations on Thursday. Bryony made some snickerdoodle cookies, and I helped peel some apples for two apple tarts and an apple cake.

Our first stop as is usual on Thanksgiving is at my Nanay’s house in Woodbridge. She had rolled a lot of lumpia while we were making desserts, so that would be our “light lunch”. But our main mission was to make siopao – a great Filipino meat-pie with a very sweet dough and stuffed with pork and boiled egg. Tio Boy had already made the insides, but we were there to make the dough with Bryony’s Kitchen Aid mixer. The process was messy, but the results looked almost professional prior to cooking.

After steaming, the dough started to rise up, but we didn’t have any “poppers” this time.

We took a break after two batches (25 siopao) to have some of the lumpia that Tio Boy fried for us fresh!

While eating, we talked about how a friend saw a baked siopao, so we decided to experiment with some of the leftover complete ones. It turned out much better than the steamed!

We still steamed some of the traditionalists that may be eating some later:

Bryony added a bit of glistening goodness by brushing the top of the baked ones with some melted butter. Yum!

We brought some Thanksgiving cheer to one of her neighbors by bringing her some of each of our foods with some dipping sauce.

After eating there, we headed off to Nokesville for our second meal of the day! Chicken, pork were the main meats for the meal, and we stuffed ourselves for a second time.

Topped off all the day’s eating with a good piece of pumpkin pie.


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