Posts Tagged ‘funeral’


Today many are saying goodbye to a great friend. Liza lived life to the fullest. This is a cliche for most, but it is quite appropriate in this case. If she had a plan for her life, it was to work as hard in order to make time for the what she really wanted to do. She loved to cook, and she shared this passion with all of her friends when she had the chance. She opened her house for them to to gather and eat, or she would bring food with her to parties all around town. I remember her instructing my mom on what tools and utensils she would need to buy to properly serve guests certain dishes.

Liza cooking
Liza cooking

Liza loved to sing! If there was a karaoke machine turned on, she could sing her heart out whether or not there was an audience of 5 or 50. Her love of music brought her to many concerts, and her enthusiasm for the artists would guarantee that she would not be attending alone. Liza would have tickets for her friends to join her in the festivities.

Her enthusiasm and strength carried on to her fight against ovarian cancer. Liza announced when she was out to “get her cocktails” and never posted a discouraging post on Facebook. My condolences go out to her husband, daughter, her brothers, sister, and her mom. We will get together today to say goodbye, and hope that when it is our time, we will be as strong, and surrounded by friends and family.

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Uncle Bernie

Sebring, FL

My thoughts and prayers are with my cousins from Sebring, FL who are honoring their recently passed father at a military ceremony this afternoon. Uncle Bernie served so many during his time in the Air Force and the Peace Corps. The time in the Peace Corps brought him to the Philippines which ensured he would be surrounded by Filipinos for the rest of his life. He was present at many reunions, parties, and weddings. He watched over his boys, and helped to host our family trips to Florida. We always had a place to stay as he welcomed the invasion by our large extended family to their town. Later, he would have a larger extended family with grandchildren and great-grandchildren that loved to play with their Lolo.

It is nice to have images to look back and remember my Uncle Bernie’s life. Anytime someone passes, I recommit to make new images of family and friends before they are gone. Make images, and share them while they are new! The value only grows as the years fly by.

Sebring, FL
Aunt Sigrun and Uncle Bernie in Sebring, FL
Sebring, FL
At the front of their home in Sebring, FL
Sebring, FL
Sitting in the front row of a church in Sebring, FL

TimeLine Media