I have read from landscape photographers that the key to getting great images is to photograph in great light. Most of the time, that means going to sites when the light is very low on the horizon. In this case, the early morning just before and after sunrise, or in the evening just before and after sunset. This “Golden Hour” in the morning or “Blue Hour” in the evening does make for some nice backgrounds for photos. The early sunrise in the winter months makes it easier to get out of the house at a semi-decent hour to get these photos. The extremely cold temperatures also help. It keeps cars and other people to a minimum. Who wants to be out here unless you really NEED to be out here at this time?
Masonic Temple
This particular morning, I made the trip to the outskirts of Old Town Alexandria. I did not have any trouble finding street parking at this hour – another benefit of such an early shoot, and walked the few blocks to the Masonic Temple. This beautiful structure can be seen from most of the major freeways and highways in the DC Area. It is familiar to anyone that has driven in the area especially if you are traveling across the Woodrow Wilson Bridge, or flying into National Airport. I have never been inside, but have put this on my list to photograph once I figured that this would probably be situated perfectly for a sunrise shoot. With it’s East-facing position being the preferable angle, it made for a very easy subject to lineup and photograph. After only three attempts, this day’s attempt was the best from me. I will definitely be back to see about going on a tour. It should have a nice view in to Old Town Alexandria to the Potomac River and Maryland beyond.
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