Posts Tagged ‘nature’

Stalking A Seagull

Seagull on pier - ©TimeLine Media

Looking through my photo portfolio, you could say most of my assignments have a lot of action. From ballroom dancers to weddings, and even to fashion shows. There is always a lot of movement and a sense of excitement – at least that is what I am trying to convey in my photos. This post is about an encounter I had with a bird. You would think that this again would have lots of movement, and trial and error to get a sharp image. But it turned out to be one of the calmest subjects I have had in a while.

Shore Bird

Seagull on pier - ©TimeLine Media
Seagull on pier – ©TimeLine Media

This bird was sitting on the pier near where we were grilling dinner. Although there are usually a flock of seagulls (insert music pun here) in the area, this one gull wanted to see what we were doing. It kept a good distance making sure we were not coming after him in a threatening way. So I thought that I could get close for a nice shot.

Seagull on pier - ©TimeLine Media
Seagull on pier – ©TimeLine Media

As I moved closer to the end of the pier, he moved a little further out. He was cautious, but he did let me get close. I tried moving slowly, and as close to the ground as I could hoping that I could move into a better position.

Fluffing Feathers - ©TimeLine MediaFluffing Feathers - ©TimeLine Media
Fluffing Feathers – ©TimeLine Media

The bird really knew that I was following him, so I just stopped about a third of the way down the pier, and moved around his position. Crouching down all produced even better results:

Bird on one foot - ©TimeLine Media
Bird on one foot – ©TimeLine Media

The best results came from putting the camera right down on to boards on the pier. Keeping the aperture open really isolated the focus to the bird. It made the pylons on the side of the pier both in front and behind the bird disappear making for a nice leading line to the subject.

Seagull on pier - ©TimeLine Media
Seagull on pier – ©TimeLine Media

Luckily, the seagull headed to the middle of the pier making for a nice symmetrical composition. I really enjoyed this exercise! After it was clear we were not going to give him any of our barbecue, the gull flew on to find better luck somewhere else.

TimeLine Media –

Earth Day

Greenhouse flower - ©TimeLine Media

I am a day late on the Earth Day celebration of our planet and the efforts of the modern environmental movement. Similarly to other photographers, photos of nature from flowers, and landscapes are a popular subjects. Take Ansel Adams, Galen Rowell for example. These nature photographers have inspired and continue to inspire those that are passionate about capturing their world. Moreover, these images are made to preserve scenes for future generations.

Greenhouse flower - ©TimeLine Media
Greenhouse flower – ©TimeLine Media
Washington DC Cherry Blossoms - ©TimeLine Media
Washington DC Cherry Blossoms – ©TimeLine Media

Spring Blooms

Our world needs to be conscious of how we are affecting the natural systems with advances in technology and our growing population. With all the coverage of the missing airliner in the Indian Ocean, the search has been complicated by so much floating trash that confuses humans and satellites that are combing the area. Undoubtedly, there is need to find, refine, and deliver fossil fuels. However, there are impacts to the environment that needs to be managed by companies, governments, and everyone concerned with preserving a healthy planet.

Daffodills blooming - ©TimeLine Media
Daffodills blooming – ©TimeLine Media
Washington DC Cherry Blossoms - ©TimeLine Media
Washington DC Cherry Blossoms – ©TimeLine Media

I admire the many nature photographers that are capturing environment today to help illustrate the effects that we are having on the world around us. With this in mind, John Paul Caponigro and James Balog come to mind. Their images of animals, glaciers, and alien-like landscapes really give you a sense of how diverse, connected, and beautiful Earth is. It makes no doubt in my mind that their work will influence decision makers of all kinds. There has been so much progress in my lifetime, but clear that this is a drive that needs to continue. The continuing observance and support for Earth Day initiatives is encouraging! Here is hoping for more good decisions for a healthier world.

Flowering cactus - ©TimeLine Media
Flowering cactus – ©TimeLine Media

TimeLine Media –

Rule of Thirds – Part 2

A cappella singer performing - ©TimeLine Media

We just watched the new motion picture, “American Hustle” which was a movie heavily focused on character development, and character interaction. In movies, the examples of the rule of thirds is used during scenes of dialog, and other half or close up shots of the actor’s faces. When there is only one face on the screen at a time, the extra space that the other third of the frame gives the audience a space to place themselves, or to place the other character that is not on screen.

Having this space really places you in the scene making the viewer more engaged in the film. If this space was not there, it will be jarring to viewers, and will create a tension – like something is not right. This can be used as a compositional element too whether in still or motion pictures. In these photos, the subject is placed on a third, looking through the long side of the frame.

Event Photography

A cappella singer performing - ©TimeLine Media
A cappella singer performing – ©TimeLine Media
Salsa Bachata Throwdown - ©TimeLine Media
Salsa Bachata Throwdown – ©TimeLine Media

This composition will also work for landscape or still life photos. Placing objects along the grids or having objects “face” the open part of the frame creates a better composition. It works for many situations. Additionally, it can make a great starting point. When presented by a tricky scene try this to make your photos better with your new camera.

Frames Divided into Thirds

Still Life Rule of Thirds example - ©TimeLine Media
Still Life Rule of Thirds example – ©TimeLine Media
Still Life Rule of Thirds example - ©TimeLine Media
Still Life Rule of Thirds example – ©TimeLine Media


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