Posts Tagged ‘personal’

Making cookies!

Bryony has been making cookies for as long as she could reach the kitchen counter:

Bryony making cookies at an early age
Bryony making sugar cookies in her childhood home

And her skills have improved with each batch since! The sweet treats are now a favorite for all her coworkers. They are requested for birthdays, potlucks, farewell parties… Thanksgiving………. Arbor Day – whenever cookies are appropriate. She has perfected her technique, as we always get to “QC” the product before it is brought out to public. Of course I’m jealous of her coworkers already – it should be a delicious day at work!

Duck shaped sugar cookie

Ducks are the cutter of choice today. It’s a flock of cookie-ducks! Bryony enjoys recognizing the efforts of her co-workers with a little treat once in a while. They are absolutely good for her reputation as she becomes known for these quickly. Likewise it becomes a good way for her to network with other groups at her workplace.

bowl with icing for sugar cookies
bowl full of icing to top a sugar cookie batch
stacked un-iced cookies

Furious action in putting these little things together! On this occasion, the effort it worth it. Perhaps this is something I can do with my photography business to stand out. Of course I won’t ask her to make treats for potential clients, but it would be good for me to be known for something distinctive that I do well!

Un-iced cookies prior to finishing
Sugar cookies - a favorite from Bryony's home bake shop


Winter Coming!

It was a pleasant summer in Northern VA this year. However, the change of seasons reminds us that winter is coming. For my uncle, he has had another amazing year for flowers! He takes a lot of time and effort to plant, feed, water, and maintain many roses, lillies, pansies, and other flowers in front of my mother’s house.

They always give me great opportunities to work out my macro lenses! These are film scans of Fujifilm Velvia 50 that I had left over from school (the sloppy border is added for fun). It’s amazing the amount of color and saturation this film provides.

Looking through slides is very old-school these days, but my eyes have a vastly different reaction when looking through transparent chromes. I don’t know if it really is a more analog/organic process, or if my eyes are just “used” to looking at pictures through a computer monitor. However, I really enjoy viewing pictures this way!

Unfortunately, it is just getting harder and harder to find good labs that will process E-6 films locally. Not to mention the up-front costs of film, the time to develop, the time to scan into the computer, etc. But I do have a collection of slides that I’m proud of. Additionally, I have some black-and-white negatives that I processed myself. I’ll see if any others are worth posting!

TimeLine Media

Healthy & Happy! 32!

It’s my birthday today, and I’m so grateful to all my friends and family who sent good wishes to me today. It has been a life-changing year for me. With the support of my wife, I left a good job to pursue a dream of running my own business. I have received the support of photography and financial mentors to help me through the opening stages. With my business partner, we have finally started to get something going after founding TimeLine Media three years ago!

birthday selfies by the author of the author

My mother has also supported me in this time giving me advice and pushing me to pursue things as seriously as she has all my other interests. My uncle has been there for extra help when extra hands were needed. He even helped us by driving most of the way from Virginia to Chicago! Old work colleagues have been encouraging and genuinely happy for the new direction I’ve taken. Although I am incredibly satisfied with how things are going, I still miss the everyday interaction with a large group of similarly minded people working on big projects. It’s just me and my technology working on my projects now, but the rewards seem more fulfilling, and more my own. I am looking forward to the next year – more changes, more learning, and more photos!


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