Posts Tagged ‘session’

Fire Dancer photography

©TimeLine Media - fire dancer photos

Jo responded to a request I sent from the TimeLine Media mailing list. At this time, I am exploring making action photos of athletes and dancers off of their field of play. I have plenty of photos of dancers on the dance floor in competition, and sports photos of players on the field. However, what I am looking to do is make more photos of these talented people displaying their skill in different ways for the camera. In a nearby park, there was a spot that I thought would be a beautiful place for photos.

River Bank Setting

©TimeLine Media - park setting
©TimeLine Media – park setting

There are some advantages to this area – with all the trees, any sunlight can be diffused. At this time, this setup photos was done in the late fall with almost all the leaves gone from the trees. For now, the leaves are still on the trees which blocked a lot of the light down near the forest floor. When scouting places for photos, look for these – where there is plenty of shade and even light.

Flash Setup

Next, I brought in my flash to light up Jo. I gelled the flash with an orange gel to match the light coming off his sword when it was on fire. I left the White Balance in the camera to daylight to keep the especially orange cast from the light. It matched up nicely!

©TimeLine Media - fire dancer photos
©TimeLine Media – fire dancer photos

One thing that I was not expecting was the sound! As Jo would turn the flaming sword around, there was likewise a great swooshing sound that really added to the effect. When I usually see these performances, there is music and other distracting elements, and the sound of the flaming sword is minimized. On this session, though, it was amazing!

©TimeLine Media - fire dancer photos
©TimeLine Media – fire dancer photos

I was impressed with how well he handles this flaming sword. Even touching it with his tongue! I tried to show as much of the motion and control that Jo displays at his performances. It was an amazing subject that I hope to get a chance to photograph again!

©TimeLine Media - fire dancer photos
©TimeLine Media – fire dancer photos

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Dancer Portrait Session

©TimeLine Media - photography portrait session

Recently, I have the opportunity to photograph a ballroom dancer, Tyrone, in a portrait session. He is not only an instructor in ballroom, but he also does hip-hop and contemporary dance which makes for some great photos. In this nice neighborhood, it was a challenge to find a background that was appropriate for the usual grungy backgrounds that accompany this type of dance. Tyrone was a great subject climbing into a tree to make it look like a setting much different than the suburban park that we were shooting. Being in a tree, and his clothing really made for a changing the setting with limited resources.

Outside Portraits

©TimeLine Media - photography portrait session
©TimeLine Media – photography portrait session

Then we found a nearby gazebo that he used to display his dance moves. I used the gazebo to try to get some nice even shade for photos, then added the flash to fill him in the frame of the structure. I also experimented with the flashes as hard side lights. Punching these up in post processing made for some interesting portraits that work better with male subjects. With the photos where he was hanging at one side of the gazebo, I used a super wide angle lens to emphasize his stretched frame making him look longer. I was trying to work the setting that we had to get a variety of photos.

©TimeLine Media - photography portrait session
©TimeLine Media – photography portrait session
©TimeLine Media - photography portrait session
©TimeLine Media – photography portrait session

The last section we went to was against a fence lining a walking trail. Fences always provide leading lines to point to your portrait subject, but I was looking for something different. Using the flash, I happened upon a happy accident. I was hoping that placing the flash on the other side of the fence would make for some sharp repeating shadows that would fall on Tyrone. This did happen a little, but the reflective paint on the slats of the fence created hard reflections against each other which focused the light. This made a nice vignette to light that I could use in the portraits. This is definitely a new trick that I will have to remember for future shoots!

©TimeLine Media - photography portrait session
©TimeLine Media – photography portrait session

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