Posts Tagged ‘Virginia’

Arthur Murray – Chevy Chase, MD

©TimeLine Media - Arthur Murray - Chevy Chase, MD

Tysons, Virginia

Whitney and Austin from Chevy Chase are on the blog today. This post is a last reminder from the blog about the sale ending on the DC Area Arthur Murray 2013 Fall Freestyles. Overall there have been lots of visits to the website! We are especially appreciative of those that have placed orders. To take advantage of the 20% off sale on all products, you need to place the order by today at the proofing site here:

The photos will still be available on the website to view and purchase prints until next January, so you still have plenty of time to view photos. The only thing that will change is the pricing for orders. All the photos are organized by studio. We did our best to organize them correctly, but if there are any errors, please let me know.Below are some of my favorite images from the professional show by the Chevy Chase, MD studio. Enjoy!

©TimeLine Media - Arthur Murray - Chevy Chase, MD
Arthur Murray – Chevy Chase, MD professional show ©TimeLine Media
©TimeLine Media - Arthur Murray - Chevy Chase, MD
Whitney and Austin – Arthur Murray – Maryland ©TimeLine Media

In reviewing the photos from the pro shows, I got lucky in my lighting setup. At this time, the curtains from the wall mirrors were open. On account of the direct reflection from my flashes, I usually do not like to have them open. Because of the flare from the lights, I know that I will have to throw some images away. Thankfully, I did not have to do it because of my low angle from the floor! Check out the site to see the other images from this show.

©TimeLine Media - Arthur Murray - Chevy Chase, MD
©TimeLine Media – Arthur Murray – Chevy Chase, MD

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Dance Team Match Photos – 2013 Fall Freestyles

©TimeLine Media - Potomac Cup Team Match

This post is a reminder that the early-bird sale for the 2013 Arthur Murray Fall Freestyles photos ends tomorrow, October 14, 2013. All of the photos will be available to view on the website until January, 2014. You can still view and purchase prints until then at the regular price. To access all the photos, go to the proofing website here:

©TimeLine Media - Arthur Murray Fall Freestyles
©TimeLine Media – Arthur Murray Fall Freestyles

When the DC area Arthur Murray studios get together for their Freestyles events, the part that gets the most participation from everyone there has to be the Potomac Cup team match. This pits all the studios from Maryland against the studios from Virginia in a one-dance competition between amateur dancers from different studios. They all compete at their level, so a Bronze student will dance with another Bronze student, etc. And each level will also have a dance selected by the organizers which is not known until just before the music starts. The participation from the others that are not dancing in the competition, the studios will choose a theme to represent their side of the river. For Maryland, the theme was Harry Potter, for Virginia, the theme was 80’s heavy metal hair bands. This is obviously one of those times where pictures speak louder than words!

©TimeLine Media - Potomac Cup Team Match
©TimeLine Media – Potomac Cup Team Match
©TimeLine Media - Potomac Cup Team Match
©TimeLine Media – Potomac Cup Team Match

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Rosalia Gasso and Alejandro Barrientos – Argentine Tango

©TimeLine Media - Rosalia Gasso & Alejandro Barrientos

The photos from last Sunday’s 2013 DC Dance Challenge are now ready to view! Overall the images are organized by the gentlemen’s number. If you have any trouble finding your photos, please email (rassi @ or call me for assistance. There were lots of really nice images from the day, and I’ll post some of my favorites here on the blog. If you were on the email list, you did get early access to the photos! Add your email address to the list at the bottom of any blog page to get on the list for updates and news.

©TimeLine Media - Argentine Tango professional dancers
©TimeLine Media – Rosalia Gasso & Alejandro Barrientos

At the end of the evening, we were treated to some amazing professional and pro-am performances. Two of them were by Rosalia Gasso & Alejandro Barrientos. This pair are Master Teachers and Choreographers from Buenos Aires. They performed the Argentine Tango, and the performance was amazing! They had a quickness in their swivels and ganchos that I had to just watch. It would be impossible to capture in still photographs without some planning and a different lighting setup.

©TimeLine Media - Argentine Tango professional dancers
©TimeLine Media – Rosalia Gasso & Alejandro Barrientos
©TimeLine Media - Rosalia Gasso & Alejandro Barrientos
©TimeLine Media – Rosalia Gasso & Alejandro Barrientos

The quiet music, and slow build up of the Argentine Tango makes the entire room still and focused on the dancers. Rosalia and Alejandro captured the attention of the audience, bringing them into the performance which can be difficult to do with this dance. The couple dances with their heads very close to each other, without much eye contact or projection outward. But these two had the room with them from the beginning with some shouts and cheers towards the end when the beats moved faster, and the feet flicked quicker!

©TimeLine Media - Rosalia Gasso & Alejandro Barrientos
DC Dance Challenge Argentine Tango showcase ©TimeLine Media

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