In my corporate job, “Improvement Needed” or “IN” used to be the lowest rank you could receive on a review. Yes it does not sound good, and is in fact very discouraging. It was meant to be a sign to the person receiving the score that they are the lowest performer. Subsequently it will likely push them out the job to something else, or out of the company completely.
Work Review
As a freelancer, it seems like I do nothing but look at where I need to make my skills better. I look at things like photo shoot setups, camera technique, composition, post-processing, etc. Then there are business things – my contracts, marketing, website – it is really an endless list. Looking back on where we are now, it would be possible to think that everything is setup just as we like it. However, I am constantly thinking it needs improvement.
I do see a correlation between my view of my work, and the work that is done by my photography subjects. I revisit many venues and events. It is easy to see the progress artists put into their craft in between the times that we see each other. It inspired me to come up with new ideas. My setup cannot be the same as the last time. It would look like I am satisfied with where I am, and what I am doing. This pushes my photography to improve every time I go out on a shoot.
Use weaknesses to push you off the plateau and get to the next level. Yes, a photographer needs to have good gear, but you need to have something in the frame that will hold viewer’s attention. For a singer, singing in key is the prerequisite, but singing something that people want to hear will bring you to the next level. More shoots are on the schedule, hopefully more improvements will be made!
TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com