Fairfax, Virginia
Earlier this month, the Peterson Companies contacted me for a Sip and Shop photography shoot at Fairfax Corner. Because I have done a number of projects for the marketing team there, I looked forward to making these images with them. We met on undeniably the hottest day of the summer so far! Despite the heat and humidity, the models assembled were troopers and did not let the conditions show on their faces.

In the light of newly passed legislation you can now carry alcohol through certain sections of the property. Following the directions on this website, it is possible to enjoy alcoholic beverages in one of the most walkable shopping centers in northern Virginia. Fairfax Corner on the positive side, is very pedestrian friendly. Being that they have many restaurants that are participating, I can see this being very popular! Especially if we have more days that are as hot as the day of this shoot. Thanks to Joanna and Crystan for reaching out and helping me make these fun photos for their advertising!

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com