Posts Tagged ‘World War I’

DC – World War I Memorial

©TimeLine Media - DC WWI Memorial

There are so many memorials scattered throughout Washington D.C.’s streets. The most memorable are easily recognizable from their appearance on currency, movies, and TV shows. However, the smaller World War I Memorial is dedicated to the resident of the District of Columbia that fought and died in the Great War. It was recently restored by the National Park Service in 2011. Overall the work was done very well. The memorial glows out of a section of trees along Independence Avenue. It is a short walk from the larger World War II Memorial, and the Lincoln Memorial. Although it was not the final destination for the evening, it was a really pleasant surprise to see. Since it was a little off the path, it was easier to get clean photos without other people in the area.

©TimeLine Media - DC WWI Memorial
©TimeLine Media – DC WWI Memorial

At this time the improved lighting under the dome made for a nice setting apart from the nearby trees. When I edited these photos, I pushed the white balance sliders much closer to the blue side of the scale than normal. Without any people in the frame, it is much easier to play with this setting. Most people look better warmer in photographs – more to the yellow side of the slider. But here, the blue makes a nice contrast with the light under the dome, and it emphasizes the time of day.

©TimeLine Media - DC WWI Memorial
©TimeLine Media – DC WWI Memorial

It’s nice to play tourist in your local area sometimes. We’re just lucky to be close to such a photogenic place! I’ll have more from other stops on this photo walk. Have a nice weekend!

©TimeLine Media - DC WWI Memorial HDR
©TimeLine Media – DC WWI Memorial HDR

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