Changes for 2012

There are some changes coming to the websites associated with TimeLine Media . We are working to make it easier for you to find what you came here for. First, the blog, which I hope to update at least twice as often as I did in 2011,  has now moved to a new address –

I will try to post information from recent shoots for those that like to see some quick previews of their photos, or post a look back at some older shoots that job my memory or inspire me to write for some reason! I have made so many photos, it would be a shame not to share them. Announcing some upcoming shoots is also part of the plan – hopefully I’ll be better prepared so I don’t sound too crazy before an event when I post here.

The other change to the website will be to the proofing of photos. The new website where images will be posted for preview and purchase will be –

This will allow me to give other options that have been requested that I could not provide at the previous site. I hope to be putting some test events up soon, and hope you will give it a try for me. Nothing like real-world testing to break it in. If you have any suggestions for me about our photos, or if there is anything you would like me to post, please let me know! We are always on the look out for new ways to present photos – from prints to albums, and now calendars! More to come on that soon.

You can contact me here:

rassi (at)
Twitter: @rassigborneo
Facebook: TimeLine Media Fan Page

Here’s just a cute dog photo to accompany the post. Thanks!


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