April 2013 archive

Easter 2013


It was a damp but beautiful Easter Sunday with the family. We had lots of dogs underfoot, lots of food, and Easter egg hunt, and of course, more photos. Hope all of you had a great day with your families as well!

Family-photos at Easter www.timelinedc.com
©TimeLine Media
Family-photos at Easter www.timelinedc.com
©TimeLine Media

Additionally, we took some time to get some nice posed family photos. As can be seen, the family is growing! Although we are all together here, it will likely be difficult to do as more join us. Then it will be harder to gather with different obligations pulling us in different directions. With this in mind, I encourage everyone to take as many post photos as possible. Without a doubt, they are treasured as the years go by. Happy Easter!

©TimeLine Media

I am editing photos from another ballroom dance event, the River City Ballroom Dance Competition, and I hope to have them up by this upcoming weekend. They will be posted to the regular proofing site with the other photos-


Hopefully Spring stays longer than a day, so if you need any photos outside – let me know! This is the best time for outdoor photos as long as the temperature cooperates. Thank you!

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com

Arthur Murray Spring Freestyles – Professional Showcase


McLean Hilton – Tysons, VA

Today is another shooting day, but not for Arthur Murray! It is still ballroom related – specifically, I’m shooting the ballroom dance dresses for use on product pages on the web. This is yet another challenge that is very different from the action photography of dancers on the floor.

Product Photography

Because subjects are not moving, there is really no excuse not to get everything perfect! Lighting, background, and placement of subject is very important. It takes about 5 hours just to do 20 dresses if things are going well. Getting the color right is also important, so I use the flashes, and calibrated monitors to ensure a good representation of each dress. If only we could make sure that everyone that is looking at the dresses also have calibrated monitors, but we do our best to show the colors as they are. It should be good enough to entice you to request the dress for a try-on or rental for next competition. If you are interested, see the final results of these shoots at Encore Ballroom Couture, and call them if you need a new dress to wear for an upcoming competition or showcase.

Virginia Beach Pro Show

All of the professional showcases from the Arthur Murray Spring Freestyles were amazing. I want to highlight each of them on the blog, so I will continue to feature them in a single post. Today’s post is from the Arthur Murray Virginia Beach studio. This show had the intensity of good action sci-fi movie such as Tron. The music and movements were quite a mix of traditional dance with some athletic lifts and poses. Sometimes I wish I shot more video so that I could view more of the dancing instead of following along through the viewfinder! In any case, it was an amazing show to capture in stills, and I was happy with these. Enjoy!

©TimeLine Media – Professional Showcase by Arthur Murray Virginia Beach
Professional Showcase by Arthur Murray Virginia Beach ©TimeLine Media
©TimeLine Media – Professional Showcase by Arthur Murray Virginia Beach
Professional Showcase by Arthur Murray Virginia Beach ©TimeLine Media

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com

April 1


Today is April 1 or April Fool’s Day which has officially become the most annoying day to be on the internet. I won’t try any fancy computer tricks to make your browser act crazy or have any whacky gimmicks on my website today. With this in mind, I will post more of my favorite ballroom dance photos, then go back to being offline for the rest of the day. I am sure everything will return to normal tomorrow.

Ballroom-dance-photo-www.timelinedc.com April 1
©TimeLine Media – 2013 Baltimore Dancesport Challenge

With this in mind, here are more of my favorites from this year’s Baltimore Dancesport Challenge that was held at the BWI Westin in Baltimore, MD. All the photos from this event are available to view at the proofing website here:


Ballroom-dance-photo-www.timelinedc.com APRIL 1
©TimeLine Media – 2013 Baltimore Dancesport Challenge

At this point, I am more than annoyed at falling for some of these pranks. Especially in the photography community, it can be easy to be taken in by some creative Photoshop work. April 1 really turned me negative early in the morning. Perhaps my brain was not quite awake to pick up on the subtle cues of a prank. Back to implementing creativity for good – Enjoy!

©TimeLine Media – 2013 Baltimore Dancesport Challenge

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com

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