May 2013 archive

American Star Ball – Rising Star American Rhythm Competition

©TimeLine Media - Pro Rising Star Rhythm - American Star Ball

I am trying to catch up from the long weekend today. Though, I do have lots of photos to work on for orders and other edits. Hopefully, you have recovered from the weekend by the time you read this! Thanks especially to everyone that visited the proofing site looking at the newly released photos from the American Star Ball.  Here are some favorites from the Pro Rising Star Rhythm competition. This was held on Friday evening – starting with a 9 couple Semi-final heat and 6 couple Final.

©TimeLine Media - Pro Rising Star Rhythm - American Star Ball
©TimeLine Media – Pro Rhythm dance competitors- American Star Ball

These were from the semifinal round. At this time, there are more competitors on the floor as the couples are vying for a spot in the finals. Subsequently, the dancers gave their best to impress the judges. They only had a few moments to catch the judges eye for a good score. While photographing this hear, I am more anxious to capture at least some good photos of each couple. The high energy, quick dancing makes it seem even more fleeting when they start dancing. Enjoy!

©TimeLine Media - Pro Rising Star Rhythm - American Star Ball
Pro Rising Star Rhythm – American Star Ball ©TimeLine Media
©TimeLine Media - Pro Rising Star Rhythm - American Star Ball
©TimeLine Media – Professional Rhythm dance competitors American Star Ball

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Memorial Day – 2013

©TimeLine Media - Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

This weekend the USA commemorates the women and men who have died serving our country. Being close to Washington, DC, there is a lot of activity around Memorial Day. For example, motorcycles for Rolling Thunder rumbling through the streets. Additionally, military and political leaders are visible at ceremonies. Finally, many families get together for a 3-day weekend. Even if they do not have a military connection, they are enjoying the benefits of their service.

Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Memorial Day ©TimeLine Media
Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Memorial Day ©TimeLine Media

The grounds of Arlington provide an especially beautiful backdrop to remember military service. Moreover, if they are family members, it is a reverent place to visit and honor their sacrifice. For one thing, Arlington is full of soldiers with recognizable names. Comparatively, there are some who are unknown to this day. For this reason, I understand the reverence given to fallen soldiers that were never identified.

Tomb of the Unknown Civil War Soldiers on Memorial Day ©TimeLine Media
Tomb of the Unknown Civil War Soldiers ©TimeLine Media

Although this is a famous burial ground, every part of the country has a similar area. If you get a chance, visit and spend some time reflecting on what they have done. Above all, Thank YOU to all that continue to serve.

©TimeLine Media - Arlington National Cemetery
©TimeLine Media – Arlington National Cemetery

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American Star Ball – Pro Competition

©TimeLine Media - 2013 American Star Ball

It is another busy weekend for pro photos! I helped another photographer friend shoot a beautiful wedding yesterday on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. My camera does need to get outdoors for exercise 🙂 Overall, a wedding will give you all the workout you need! While I have been photographing so many dancers, a wedding is more of a departure than I remember. At this point, I am hopeful that I was helpful for the day. There are a few more weddings on the schedule this year, so I am feeling good about them!

Also, I have to go back and review images for orders to the lab. Thanks to everyone that has gone to the website to view and purchase photos. We especially appreciate the support of our photography through purchases. It keeps us going! Here are some images from the American Star Ball pro heats.

Open Pro competitors at the 2013 American Star Ball ©TimeLine Media
Open Pro competitors at the 2013 American Star Ball ©TimeLine Media
©TimeLine Media - 2013 American Star Ball
©TimeLine Media – 2013 American Star Ball
Open Pro competitors at the 2013 American Star Ball ©TimeLine Media
Open Pro competitors at the 2013 American Star Ball ©TimeLine Media

If you are in the USA, we hope you have a nice Memorial Day weekend. Although it is a somber occasion, it is a nice break from the every day grind. Do you have any fun plans for the weekend?

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