Memorial Day – 2013

This weekend the USA commemorates the women and men who have died serving our country. Being close to Washington, DC, there is a lot of activity around Memorial Day. For example, motorcycles for Rolling Thunder rumbling through the streets. Additionally, military and political leaders are visible at ceremonies. Finally, many families get together for a 3-day weekend. Even if they do not have a military connection, they are enjoying the benefits of their service.

Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Memorial Day ©TimeLine Media
Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Memorial Day ©TimeLine Media

The grounds of Arlington provide an especially beautiful backdrop to remember military service. Moreover, if they are family members, it is a reverent place to visit and honor their sacrifice. For one thing, Arlington is full of soldiers with recognizable names. Comparatively, there are some who are unknown to this day. For this reason, I understand the reverence given to fallen soldiers that were never identified.

Tomb of the Unknown Civil War Soldiers on Memorial Day ©TimeLine Media
Tomb of the Unknown Civil War Soldiers ©TimeLine Media

Although this is a famous burial ground, every part of the country has a similar area. If you get a chance, visit and spend some time reflecting on what they have done. Above all, Thank YOU to all that continue to serve.

©TimeLine Media - Arlington National Cemetery
©TimeLine Media – Arlington National Cemetery

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