July 4 photos

It was a really hot and humid day yesterday! Typical July 4th for the DC area. I spent the day with some family but did not take a break from making some photos. Hope everyone enjoyed a good day off!

Animal Portraits

Yellow bird on a wire ©TimeLine Media
Yellow bird on a wire ©TimeLine Media

While on a walk out in the country, this beautiful yellow bird contrasted nice against the blue sky. Sometimes these elements come together easy for a photo! On this occasion, there was a complimentary color subject compared to the background. Additionally, there were no distracting elements with a cloudless sky. It can be that simple.

Pet Portraits

Dachshund photo in strong sunlight ©TimeLine Media
Dachshund portrait in strong sunlight ©TimeLine Media

Coming back inside, I spent some time with some furry friends. Late in the afternoon, the strong setting sunlight made for dramatic lighting. When you pose a subject in strong sun, the background will fall of dramatically. As can be seen in this photo, the strong sunlight creates strong shadows on a face. This is similar to a bare flash head. For a dog’s face, this makes for a nice portrait. Always reward your pet portrait subjects with a belly rub!

Photos while getting a belly rub ©TimeLine Media
Photos while getting a belly rub ©TimeLine Media

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com

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