Not a long post today as I am still editing the photos from last weekend’s events. The first one that I am working on is the DC Area Arthur Murray Spring Freestyles held last Friday and Saturday. We had some great photographers helping out to cover the split dance floor. There are close to 12,000 images to go through, edit, crop, and sort by studio, so I hope to have these done by Saturday. Please stay tuned to the blog for updates!
For our booth, we displayed some nice large posters from the Columbia and Tysons Corner studios. They were the top two winners from the TimeLine Media Facebook contest! Although the original Columbia poster had all three shows on one, I decided to break them out separately. The dancers could have more exposure on each, and we could rotate the display a little. The studios were eager to have them which always makes us feel good to get the great response from them, and the other dancers attending the event! We will definitely do it again from the professional shows at the Freestyles. All the shows had some great moments, and I captures some good ones. It should be fun editing them after all the competitive heats.
If you do not want to wait for an update on the blog or the Facebook page, you can go to the proofing site now. There, I have a placeholder for the images from the Freestyles event. If you click on it, you can add your email address to the list to be notified as soon as the photos are ready to view. Here is the link:
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