Happy Thursday! It’s my 38th birthday today, and time to update my portrait. Thanks for the all the messages on social media – it is really nice to have them stream in! it is one of the best things about the new technology. It is a great excuse to hear from people that you have not seen or talked to in a while. You can reminisce again about birthdays past and make plans for future celebrations! In addition to all the messages, I set up my camera to make a new self-portrait with some lighting.

My 25th birthday was marked by a day of national tragedy. We felt it here in the DC area, and the memory of the events will always be felt when the date comes around every year. The solemnness of ceremonies and memorials on TV and across the Internet lets me also be reflective on my own events. I can take things in; reflect on a milestone day along with everyone else, as a tribute to those that were taken that day, and to be thankful for another year. It will be back tomorrow, but it’s nice to have a break from the norm. It is nice that so many do the same on your birthday, even if it borne out of sadness.
TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com