Shore Landscapes
During a break in photography assignments, we took a trip to the Outer Banks of North Carolina. It is an easy drive from northern Virginia and is a nice break from our regular routine. Anytime you can be close to ocean waters you can really breathe a different kind of air for a nice recharge.

Creatively the ocean shore give so many possibilities. This is one place where getting up early before the sunrise will yield fruitful results for your photos. The far distant horizon will almost guarantee that you will have some glimmer of morning light even during over overcast mornings. A few mornings, I got up before the sun just to get a feel for what the light was looking like. It was enjoyable just to be out there before the crowds arrived, and when animals passed by both under and next to the breaking waters.

During our trip I found the beautifully set Bodie Lighthouse a favorite subject. It had a minimal setting from where the structure was set. The symmetry of the lighthouse and the clear backdrop made for some memorable images that I printed for my walls at home. At night, we made a trip to the site long after everyone else had left for the day. It was the perfect time to try a long exposure photo. I got what I was looking for, but I left quickly after all the snake warnings scared me from staying too long!

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com