DC Area Arthur Murray studios

From last summer, the 2015 Summer Showcase Expiring at the TimeLine Media proofing site. Given that this was only one day, we were thankful that so many shared and purchased photos from this event! Below is the link:
2015 Summer Showcase photos at TimeLine Media
International Dance Extravaganza
On this occasion, the performances from the Arthur Murray professionals were based on a theme. Staff shows were all international dances. Moreover three of them were group formations.

The costumes worn during these shows also emphasized the theme. Besides the excellent dancing, the colorful fashion that sometime departed from traditional dance wear added interest. Further, the group routines added an extra element for the audience to follow.

Photography wise, I had to switch between cameras to cover these. On one hand, I had a body with a wide angle lens to cover the group formations. Unlike routines with only couples, I need to cover almost the entire floor!

2015 Summer Showcase Expiring

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com