If it seems like Christmas is approaching quickly this year, it is!! I have been lucky to be photographing a lot this holiday season, and am really enjoying working so many holiday events. The decorations around the buildings and store have been inspiring for making photos, so I have made the most of the opportunity.
Tree Lights
My mother always decorates a beautiful Christmas tree. She keeps the light all white with many different decorations she has collected over the years. She used to decorate multiple trees, so she has to pick and choose which ones to hang every time it goes up! Some of the ornaments are hand made, some were bought when she first started decorating trees in the 1970’s, and many of them are gifts from family, friends, and former patients. We stopped by for a visit, and she did a nice job again. Enjoy some of the photos!
Last Event
We are shooting one more ballroom dance event for the year, the studio showcase for That’s Dancing in Jessup, MD. It is planned for this evening, and if the weather holds up, it should be a great show! I will work on the photos this week, and when they are completed, you can see them at the usual site for all of our ballroom dance photos:
TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com