The photos from last Sunday’s 2013 DC Dance Challenge are now ready to view! Overall the images are organized by the gentlemen’s number. If you have any trouble finding your photos, please email (rassi @ timelinedc.com) or call me for assistance. There were lots of really nice images from the day, and I’ll post some of my favorites here on the blog. If you were on the email list, you did get early access to the photos! Add your email address to the list at the bottom of any blog page to get on the list for updates and news.
At the end of the evening, we were treated to some amazing professional and pro-am performances. Two of them were by Rosalia Gasso & Alejandro Barrientos. This pair are Master Teachers and Choreographers from Buenos Aires. They performed the Argentine Tango, and the performance was amazing! They had a quickness in their swivels and ganchos that I had to just watch. It would be impossible to capture in still photographs without some planning and a different lighting setup.
The quiet music, and slow build up of the Argentine Tango makes the entire room still and focused on the dancers. Rosalia and Alejandro captured the attention of the audience, bringing them into the performance which can be difficult to do with this dance. The couple dances with their heads very close to each other, without much eye contact or projection outward. But these two had the room with them from the beginning with some shouts and cheers towards the end when the beats moved faster, and the feet flicked quicker!
TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com