Today is the last day to view photos from the 2015 Spring Freestyles from the DC area Arthur Murray studios. Thank you to everyone that came to the website to view them! I know that they were shared around since we had a lot of questions about this event. If you know of anyone else that would like to see them, or to get one last look at them, you can go to this link:
2015 DC Area Arthur Murray Spring Freestyles photos at TimeLine Media

To end this event, we had an awesome group of Professional Shows by the staff of the participating studios. This is some of the most challenging for me of the entire weekend! By time, I have all the lighting setup for the entire floor, so there are no technical issues with getting photos. But the dancers that are performing are a different level than the students that danced all weekend.

Part of the difference is the skill and talent level of the dancers. They dedicate more of their days working on these figures to perfect them. Also, the crowd that had their attention spread across many different couples on the floor throughout the weekend. Now, everyone concentrates on only two dancers which ratchets up the tension. They want them to perform well, and they are ready to react as loudly as they can at the end. It is an electric environment to make photos!

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com