DC Area Arthur Murray studios
The 2015 Summer Showcase photos have been released at the TimeLine Media proofing site! Whenever we finish such a large event, we are excited to share the images quickly. So below is the link for all the photos from the event:
2015 Summer Showcase photos at TimeLine Media
Student Routines
In addition to school figures, dancing should incorporate some unique personality. Of course a technical standard is needed as a baseline. However, no two people move exactly the same way! By comparison Showcase routines show off both aspects.

Firstly, the students will work on choreography. Above all, you have to be able to dance confidently! Secondly, music will set the tone for their routine. Lastly, costumes will finish the ensemble.

2015 Summer Showcase released

All-Around Competition
After all the routines have finished, the dancers compete in the All-Arounds. Being that this is a competition, the gentlemen put on numbers for judges to tell them apart. Dancing is competitive, but still fun at Arthur Murray!

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com