Last weekend, I had the opportunity to assist in photographing a wedding in Baltimore, MD. The area around the Inner Harbor of the city is a beautiful cityscape of tall buildings, wide streets,. Moreover, there are elevated pedestrian walkways, and a functional boat harbor. Especially on weekends, the area teems with people going to restaurants, shops, and museums that line the harbor. Luckily, there was one weekday when I had the chance to explore the city without much activity in the mid-morning. The harbor had a different feel. It was more serene and people that were around, were on the way to businesses and meetings instead of social gatherings. At this time, I was inspired by the difference from every other time that I have visited. It was easier to slow down with the camera and set up frames.
From the nearby Federal Hill neighborhood, there are monuments surrounding a promontory point that overlooks the harbor. In general, this is a popular spot for portrait sessions with couples and families. Both during the day, and into evening, the views of the harbor and city are a perfect backdrop. There are nice perspectives to the skyscrapers in the distance.
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