Well we prepared for snow as best we could. There were warnings all week, and although we planned to attend the Clover Star Classic in Philadelphia, we decided to not go. Instead we make sure our home would be safe over the weekend. Luckily, the event was postponed. On account of the change, we had a chance for some photo opportunities. Of course we had to also put away the cameras and do some shoveling. Ugh. In any case, here are some photos from the weekend –

I think there’s a car under the snow here somewhere:

My car is definitely under here:

The snow covering surfaces gives the most unique photos from these storms. Although it seems to come down evenly everywhere, the piles show a different story. Of course, I thought about another time lapse, but I did not think of a new perspective from the last time. So, I just stayed in and waited for the storm to subside before getting out the camera.

Similarly to other storms, we had clear skies after the worst was over. It was undeniably far from warm, but the sun made it almost pleasant to be outside. How did you fare through the storms?

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