Upcoming Dance events – Clover Star Classic

Excited! TimeLine Media is set to cover the Clover Star Classic in Philadelphia, PA on February 7, 2009. Overall, ballroom dance photography is a photographer’s dream assignment! With all the colors, the movement, and subjects that are picture-ready, the opportunities for especially great photos are plentiful. For those that attend the event, I will post the images at this website for you to preview, share with your friends, and order prints. I love the challenge to capture these quick moments, and I hope the participants enjoy!

Clover Star Classic banner from UPenn Ballroom
Clover Star Classic banner from UPenn Ballroom

UPDATE! At this time the photos from the UPenn Ballroom event are now ready to view! This was our first collegiate ballroom dance event that we attended. Though we had not been to this venue, I think we setup our lighting nicely for action photos. We want to especially thank the organizers from the UPenn Ballroom club for inviting us to photograph the event. Moreover, they were very accommodating to us helping to get our booth and cameras setup in the ballroom. If you have any trouble finding your photos, please let me know. You can send me an email – rassi @ timelinedc.com

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com

January 20, 2009

Well, I’m finally exhausted from checking in on the Inauguration coverage all day today. It was an amazing sight from the lines at the Metro last night (looks like the stations were full by ~10PM!) to the early morning shots of the mall awash with people and flashbulbs. It was inspiring to watch the ceremonies, and the transfer of power, and the political hobnobbing in the capitol luncheon.

Although controversial through most of his presidency right from the beginning, Bush did have to work hard these last 8 years. I didn’t last 8 years in my first job out of school, and it seemed like a lifetime. Obviously, it was not as demanding a position! Nor was I under as much scrutiny as well.

Collage of Washington, DC images on Inauguration Day 2009
Collage of Washington, DC images on Inauguration Day 2009

I am hopeful that the new president will bring what our country is looking for. A peaceful transfer of power to a new leader is an especially American tradition since its founding. That continues to this day in a similar fashion. I am thankful that I was able to witness it even if I was not in the city… but 20 miles away… on my television.

TimeLine Mediawww.timelinedc.com

Shawn and Quincy

Shawn and Quincy had a beautiful wedding in Gainesville. The weather was clear and blustery. However, inside the church were two large, loving families coming together. For me, this wedding had another special meaning for me.

When I was a lot younger, my first wedding that I ever participated in was Shawn’s mother’s wedding! I was a very shy ring-bearer that did not smile very much. I remember a lot from that time since there was so much that went into it – I had to get a tuxedo, all-white, even the shoes. There was a rehearsal where the walking down the aisle at a slow pace was something hard for me to grasp. I distinctly remember Father Burns in the Our Lady of Angels chapel announce the newly married couple. After that, it is a blur.

I played the piano at many weddings in high school, and college. Also, I attended a few weddings as a guest after college. Now photographing many weddings as I build a portfolio is another experience. This latest stop was the Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Gainesville. This facility is almost brand new with a familiar priest that used to work in Woodbridge. Since we were close to Manassas, we had a quick photo session with the bridal party on the historic battlefield, no less!

Bridal Walk

They were great sports to come out even in the disappearing sun and the rising winds. The reception then headed out to Woodbridge, where I was raised. Our Lady of Angels parish hall hosted the families for a great party with dancing, toasts, LOTS of pictures! The parish hall is surrounded by the elementary school that I attended for ten years, with the chapel right across the street. It’s was an amazing experience to photograph familiar people in familiar places, and I feel blessed to have been a part of the celebration… again. Shawn, Quincy, I really enjoyed photographing your wedding day. You were a lot of fun! Always looking at the camera, and SMILING! Thanks again, best wishes!

TimeLine Mediawww.timelinedc.com

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