Posts Tagged ‘ballroom dance’

Heroic 3D Titles | Tech Tuesday

Dance Photo Posters

I had a record number of votes for the Arthur Murray professional show posters at the Facebook page! These featured an action photo from each of the dances performed with the dancers popped out in color. Additionally, I left the the monochrome background. On this occasion, I wanted to identify each of the studios that the dancers represented. Also, I wanted to make a new design for the titles. For the most part, I have a font with some kind of layer style applied in Photoshop. In many blog posts and videos online, I have seen a lot of features added to the 3D panel in Photoshop. Additionally that can make editable text into 3D models that can be easily added across multiple images.


The 3D extrusion function was introduced in the CS6 version of Adobe Photoshop. Since it has been a few versions now, the technology has really evolved quickly, and is quite powerful for those that know what they are doing. I am just dipping my toe into this section, so I still in the hunting, testing, and experimenting phase. That being the case, I was really impressed with how easy and fast the 3D works in Photoshop CC 2014!


Start by making a simple text layer on a dark, contrasted background. Clicking on the 3D Menu, then “New 3D Extrusion from Selected Layer” will transform the text layer into a 3D object. This is now the ultimate Smart Object! Viewing the 3D panel, and the Properties panel, you will notice a large number of options to manipulate the design from here.


From here, you can change the rotation of the text, the depth of the 3D object, and the angle of the text to the view. And this is all by the clicking and holding the mouse and dragging it around the screen! It does not take much to produce some nice dimensional effects for titles. In future entries, I’ll post more about the details that I played around with to get the final versions. However, I’ll start with the basics to get others playing around with 3D just for the fun of it!


TimeLine Media

American Star Ball Expiring | Dancesport Photography

Looking ahead in the schedule, I can see that I will be occupied with a lot of things in the coming week. Because of this, I want to let anyone that reads the blog and social networks of TimeLine Media that the photos from the American Star Ball held last May are going to expire from the website on Monday, September 15, 2014. This weekend of ballroom dancing was packed with lots of action photos, and thanks to everyone that visited and purchased their favorites since they were released.



It has been a while since I have viewed the photos from this collection, and I have forgotten a lot! The grand ballroom at the Golden Nugget in Atlantic City is a great place to shoot ballroom dance photos. Especially in the way these organizers set it up. Of course, sitting at the short side of the floor gives you a long distance to blur the background. Concurrently, the dark red and black color theme really helps the photos pop off the screen. Digital cameras have always liked red. Although sometimes a little too much! But it is much easier to dial that back down than to try to find a good saturation level later.


The other good part about going to this competition was the participation from all the dancers, volunteers, organizers, music directors, and other entertainers that contributed so much to the weekend. Amanda and Ilya Reyzin have really put together a great team, and they make sure that everything – including the vendors – have everything they need. We have enjoyed working with them and providing great images for their guests. We hope to see all of you at the 2015 American Star Ball next year!


TimeLine Media –

Arthur Murray – Tysons Corner Tango | Dance Photographer

Tysons, Virginia

Less than ten days until the Arthur Murray Fall Freestyles! I am getting excited about going back to photographing ballroom dancing. It has been great to go through the photos from the Summer Showcase as I put up the voting on the TimeLine Media Facebook page. I made posters from each of the 13 shows from the last event as “Superhero” posters. The top vote getters will be displayed at the Summer Showcase in a large print for the winning studios to take with them to display wherever they like. Here is the poster that I selected from this Arthur Murray Tysons Corner show:


Tango Staff Show

This was a fun show and poster – for one, I love the Tango Red worn by the dancers. It was the first professional show for the gentlemen, one the enthusiastic teachers at our studio. From the first time I met him, the Tango has seemed to be one of his favorite dances to perform! For the lady, it would be the last as she moved to a different studio since then. Of course we miss her as a local teacher, but we are happy that we will still see her at the events, and hopefully she will do more shows!


Of course all of them are amazing dancers, but she is a very technical teacher that brings an element of athleticism to her dancing. She encourages more movement and energy from her students which helps them perform better when in front on the judges. Practicing with energy and effort helps to calm the nerves!


If you like this poster, and would like to see more, please visit the TimeLine Media Facebook page. Each “Like” the individual poster will get counts as one vote. Vote for as many as you like, and please share the page with all your friends to have them weigh in. Thanks to the DC Area Arthur Murray studios for also sharing the photos to get more people to vote for their favorites!


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