The editing from last weekend’s 2013 New Jersey State Open is continuing. I am almost halfway through the edits, so it will likely be late Saturday before the photos will be ready to view. The workstation, Lightroom, and especially my fingers are working as fast as we can to finish these! Some of the photos that I have gone through include all the award lineups. If you would like to see these, they have been posted to the Facebook page for the competition which you can see here.
Ballroom Dance Photos
There are lots of you that have come to the proofing website to get updates on the photos – thank you! This is the first place where I will post that the photos are ready to view. If you would like to get on the email list, visit the proofing website at:
When you click on the 2013 New Jersey State Open tab, you will be prompted to enter your email address. I will send a note as soon as they are released, so you will be the first to know.
Here are some images from the other entertaining shows from Saturday night. There was a magician/comedian and a Michael Jackson impersonator that performed for the audience in between the professional competitions. They were a great break from the dancing, which gave the officials and judges a little break as they were tabulating scores from the competition.
Maxx Vega had an audience that was there to appreciate good dancing. It was a great venue for him to show off his skills. It was nice to hear MJ’s music so loud in the ballroom with a great interpretation of the King of Pop!
TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com