Linthicum, Maryland

The photos from the 2019 Baltimore Dancesport Challenge are expiring Monday, August 19 TimeLine Media. We enjoyed catching up with all the dancers at this busy event! Thank you for all the sharing online. Without a doubt this helped our website traffic. Until the archiving on Monday, please click the link below:
2019 Baltimore Dancesport Challenge at TimeLine Media

Congratulations to Marielle for another great event! This was the 11th time she ran this event. Although it was a crazy packed schedule, all heats were danced in the afternoon. The short break before dinner was good for us.

Professional Shows
Ksusha Sokolova and Ivan Kudashev performed and awesome professional show at the end of the evening! It was evident to see how they are Fred Astaire National Showdance Champions. During their show, they had a lot of character in each of their numbers. The contrast between serious, passionate and light comedic was beautifully coordinated. Subsequently, I enjoyed editing these photos. Following the event, I saved many of these for my social media posting. With this in mind, please follow me at Twitter and Instagram @rassigborneo. I post highlights from all our events there. Any feedback, please send that there. Thank you!

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