It is a busy day at the studio! We have two things expiring on the website today making for lots of deadlines for us. First, the sale on the Arthur Murray 2013 Summer Showcase is ending tonight. This is the last chance to get 20% off any photo products from this event. This applies to your entire order on prints, canvases, albums, or digital downloads. Thanks to everyone that has been to the website already and placed your orders! We are working to getting them placed with the lab today so that they can be sent to you in the mail this week.
Arthur Murray Events
I know that I have a few more professional showcases to highlight on the blog, but I will get to them very soon – promise! The second thing on the website is that the photos from the Baltimore Dancesport Challenge held on March 16, 2013, are expiring! Today is the last day that you can go to the website to view your photos, share them, or place orders for prints and digital downloads. After tonight, the images will be going into the electronic archive, and will not be viewable on the website.
Baltimore Dancesport Challenge
To get them back out, it is $30 to retrieve them from the server and re-upload them to the photo server. There were some really nice images from this event, and I hope you were able to see them. There were lots of competition, spotlights, showcase routines, and professional showcases by Julz Tamarkina and Jean-Michel Erole. Please pass the link on to anyone else that attended and would like to see the photos before they are gone. Thank you!
Photos from the Arthur Murray Summer Showcase
Photos from the Baltimore Dancesport Challenge
TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com