With all the weddings I have been to recently, it was nice to be a guest for Kathleen and Jim at their celebration! Jim was one of my oldest friends from high school. We had a good crowd back then – mostly band mates, having good-natured fun at rehearsals, concerts, trips. Jim was always current with sports, and always ready to pick you up with a good laugh! Some of my best memories of high school – Jim running around on stage in our production of “South Pacific” with a coconut bra and grass skirt as he played Lt. Billis, or Bryony letting Jim take a quick joy-ride in her tiny Ford Festiva around Locust Shade Park…
Well, it was nice to see that Jim hasn’t changed at all! (The only difference – a slight change in moniker to “Jimmy”). We were honored to be invited to the wedding. I had to bring my camera to snag some personal photos for myself. Mike was their official photographer, and he gave me a quick peek at some of his images at the reception. The album is going to be great! Thanks Kathleen and Jimmy for letting us join your friends and family on your beautiful wedding day!

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