Posts Tagged ‘dancers’

American Star Ball photos released!

a - 2013 American Star Ball MC John DePalma

Finally! The photos from last weekend’s American Star Ball have been released to view on the proofing website here:

All the photos are organized by dancer number. If you have any trouble finding your photos, or if I have made some mistakes in organizing people, please let me know. We are proud of the collection of photos we made, and we hope you enjoy them.

©TimeLine Media - 2013 American Star photos released - Ballroom dance floor
©TimeLine Media – 2013 American Star Ball dance floor

Amanda and Ilya set up another beautiful Atlantic City ballroom this year. Although I am biased to the color red, I really like how this accent color pops out of the frame. It invokes a retro feel in fact. It is especially appropriate for a ballroom dance competition.

2013 American Star Ball photos released -  MC John DePalma ©TimeLine Media
2013 American Star Ball MC John DePalma ©TimeLine Media

From here I am resting for a bit from the computer since the photos are released. Whenever I think about the repitition of covering ballroom dance events, I think about John DePalma. Not only does he emcee competitions, but he has a studio and organizers his own events. While we watched him at work this weekend, he gives the same enthusiastic delivery at the last heat as he did with the first.

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American Star Ball – Upload Starting

©TimeLine Media - 2013 American Star Ball

The photo upload from last weekend’s American Star Ball has now started to the proofing website. There are a little more than 6000 photos going up, so it will take most of the day to get up there. If you want to know exactly when the photos will be ready to view, please sign up for the email list at the proofing website here:

Amanda and Ilya Reyzin, organizers of the 2013 American Star Ball - photos upload ©TimeLine Media
Amanda and Ilya Reyzin, organizers of the 2013 American Star Ball ©TimeLine Media

You can also like the TimeLine Media Facebook page to get the upload update directly on your Facebook feed. Again, we would like to thank the organizers, Ilya and Amanda Reyzin for having us cover their event this year! Since we have seen their amazing on the dance floor, we knew they would put on a premiere competition. Undoubtedly their experience over the years in competition has helped them. Everything went smoothly over the weekend, and they should be proud of their efforts to put on a great weekend of dancing.

©TimeLine Media - 2013 American Star Ball - photos upload
Judges walking out to the dance floor at the 2013 American Star Ball ©TimeLine Media
©TimeLine Media - 2013 American Star Ball - photos upload
©TimeLine Media – 2013 American Star Ball
©TimeLine Media - 2013 American Star Ball
Judges walking out to the dance floor at the 2013 American Star Ball ©TimeLine Media

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American Star Ball – Familiar Faces

©TimeLine Media - American Star Ball - dance photography

Honestly – I am buckling down with the edits for last weekend’s event! I am on track to finish these to view by this weekend. For today’s post, I decided to finally post a preview of the dance action photos. It was nice to see some familiar faces out there! This was the fourth year we have photographed the American Star Ball, and we have always been received nicely by the dancers at this event. Now that they have seen us a few times, I think they like the photos we make. Here are some of the image from the Saturday night professional competition heats. We were introduced to ballroom dance at the Arthur Murray studio in Tysons Corner, VA. Steve Theiss also gave me the first opportunity to photograph ballroom dancing, and now we are invited to shoot many other events. It is nice, though to see other Arthur Murray dancers on the floor, so we cheered for them while taking photos. Enjoy!

Rising Star competition at the 2013 American Star Ball ©TimeLine Media
Rising Star competition at the 2013 American Star Ball ©TimeLine Media
Arthur Murray New Jersey dancers at the 2013 American Star Ball ©TimeLine Media
Arthur Murray New Jersey dancers at the 2013 American Star Ball ©TimeLine Media
Carolina and Brandon dancing at the pro competition at the 2013 American Star Ball ©TimeLine Media - familiar faces
Carolina and Brandon dancing at the pro competition at the 2013 American Star Ball ©TimeLine Media
Tess and Omar dancing the pro competition at the 2013 American Star Ball ©TimeLine Media - familiar faces
Tess and Omar dancing the pro competition at the 2013 American Star Ball ©TimeLine Media

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